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Speak to a human at Graphic Design Supplies
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0333 090 9162
Speak to a human at Graphic Design Supplies
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0333 090 9162

It looks like you’re searching for a product that may be discontinued…

From time to time our suppliers and manufacturers change product specifications or discontinue product ranges. As we strive to give you the most popular and reliable ranges of wide format printers, inks, media rolls and paper, we are constantly updating our product offering.

If you have previously bought a product and can’t find it to reorder, or if you are looking for something specific, we are sure to be able to help. You can either call our team on 01625 613548 and we’ll guide you to the right product for the right task, or you can search our ranges using the navigation bar above.

If you know exactly what you are after, you can also search the entire website below using keywords to narrow down the results.

Some popular keywords are things like HP printer, Canon printer, uncoated paper, PPC, tracing, backlit, film, polyprop, scrim banner, self adhesive vinyl, etc.

Alternatively you might find one of our Quick Ink Finder or Quick Media Finder searches useful.

Having trouble? Just call us on 01625 613548 or email sales@gds.org.uk and we will be happy to help.

Some of our current featured products:

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